Transformational Leadership

The Honor Window is a powerful tool in the hands of a leader or change agent, who is willing to face his/her own feelings and “be the change” in his/her organization and community. Use this tool in leadership situations when:

  • You have lost influence with a person or a group.
  • You would like to win the trust of a person or group.
  • You’d like someone to deeply listen to you, understand you and appreciate you.
  • You’d like to win the heart of an adversary, and inspire them to stand with you on an issue.
  • You would like another person to feel deeply appreciated.
  • You would like your coworkers to FEEL they belong with your company or team.
  • You would like to transform your corporate culture.
  • You would like to resolve a conflict between two people in your organization.

Honor Window workshops and trainings are available for organizations, and for individuals who wish to transform their organization or culture from the inside out.

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