A Tool For A New Way of Thinking
The great Buckminster Fuller once said, “If you want to teach people a new way of thinking, don’t bother trying to teach them. Instead, give them a tool, the use [ . . . ]
The great Buckminster Fuller once said, “If you want to teach people a new way of thinking, don’t bother trying to teach them. Instead, give them a tool, the use [ . . . ]
The Honor Window process often includes an “Honoring Conversation.” At this iStand in Australia 2010, a man shares his experience of being honored by women with Honoring Conversations:
I was recently invited to do an Honor Window workshop in Cascavel, Brazil, and had an amazing time. Even though we had a translator, I found myself facilitating a lot [ . . . ]
Oi! Tudo bem? We have a workshop coming up here in Cascavel, Brazil, and I recently recorded a video in English and Portuguese! Enjoy!
This past weekend, Michael Skye completed an 8-hour introductory Honor Window workshop at Sustentare, a respected MBA business school in Santa Catarina, Brazil, as part of their Leadership Academy curriculum. Prior [ . . . ]
We’ve created a new format and context to share the work and wisdom of the Honor Window. It’s a two or three day weekend retreat, where the individual focuses on honoring one person in their life. To go deep into the work of the Honor Window, we recommend at the very least three days, but we’ve witnessed the two days structure make a big impact.
Michael Skye recently presented his Honor Window work to a group of Brazilian business women in Joinville, Brazil. It was translated into Portuguese, and was very well received. Michael shares a few photos are at the link below:
Listen to Hana, as she shares how after an Honor Window workshop, she honored her husband and each of her children, and the impact this made with her family: The [ . . . ]
My dad couldn’t believe where I was coming from, he was expecting hostility, resentment, frustration etc. None of that, he got understanding, love, honesty, honor! We both spent the rest of the afternoon…
I truly believe that Michael has created something quite extraordinary in his work, something that sets him apart from “the rest”. His processes are simple and deep. Structured and loving. Logical and deeply spiritual at the same time. In my opinion, this is cutting edge experiential development at it’s best!
His [Honor Window] allowed me the gift of understanding another person’s point of view in such a profound way, that hostility and fear was dissolved – permanently. Where I was feeling pain and hurt, by ‘experiencing’ the way my own unconscious judgement ‘labels’ have been hurting my husband, I was able to drop them and move beyond. And having made that move, I can continue to take myself to that place of understanding and compassion – Michael sums it up beautifully by calling it ‘honour’…
This work can (and does) change the way we view ourselves and each other – and I truly believe that this life-changing work can truly change our world for the better.