“Michael’s work is absolutely life-changing!”

“I’ve just completed my second personal telephone session with Michael, and have left the call feeling inspired, strong, and with a deep ‘knowing’ that I can truly create miracles with love.

I am a successful Executive Coach and Motivational Trainer, have attended numerous workshops and read literally hundreds of self-help and business coaching books, and have the following qualifications:

  • NLP Practitioner
  • NLP Business Coach
  • Reiki Master
  • Louise Hay Advanced Trainer
  • Firewalking Instructor
  • As well as experiences in hypnotherapy and inspirational breathwork

So I consider myself pretty well-placed to offer an objective opinion about Michael’s work!

I truly believe that Michael has created something quite extraordinary in his work, something that sets him apart from “the rest”. His processes are simple and deep. Structured and loving. Logical and deeply spiritual at the same time. In my opinion, this is cutting edge experiential development at it’s best!

His [Honor Window] allowed me the gift of understanding another person’s point of view in such a profound way, that hostility and fear was dissolved – permanently. Where I was feeling pain and hurt, by ‘experiencing’ the way my own unconscious judgement ‘labels’ have been hurting my husband, I was able to drop them and move beyond. And having made that move, I can continue to take myself to that place of understanding and compassion – Michael sums it up beautifully by calling it ‘honour’.

Another exercise (honour thy self) took me through a structured, simple and loving process that, for the first time in my life allowed me to actually celebrate and feel proud of the ‘bad’ things I had done in my relationship! He helped me to understand my reasons for dong the things that I did, and to understand what I was wanting to achieve through my actions, even in the face of some fierce and scary emotions. I have learned and practiced many ways to forgive both self and others – but this takes the concept to a whole new dimension!

This work can (and does) change the way we view ourselves and each other – and I truly believe that this life-changing work can truly change our world for the better. Thank you, Michael, I am very grateful that you have chosen to pursue your life’s mission and I feel deeply honoured to be working with you.

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