Honor Window Workshop for Business Schools

This past weekend, Michael Skye completed an 8-hour introductory Honor Window workshop at Sustentare, a respected MBA business school in Santa Catarina, Brazil, as part of their Leadership Academy curriculum.  Prior to the workshop, Michael had been reluctant to present his work in corporate or university contexts, preferring to deliver his work in private and intimate retreat settings where he believed he could transmit his work more powerfully.

While the classroom does not provide a the same depth that is possible in other settings, Michael found the format he used for this presentation very effective, and looks forward to developing more materials for workshops, classes and presentations inside of schools, universities and corporate environments, and to training others to present this material in such environments.

If you are interested in contributing to the development of materials, events and curriculums for the Honor Window in schools or corporations, we invite you to contact us.  If you are interested in having Michael present at your school, corporation or event, please contact us as well.

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